Caracoles y caca

That’s right, caca.  I’m writing about poop and snails (carcoles) today.  Relax.  They aren’t related.  I just can’t keep this first story to myself.

Elena decided recently that she only wants to wear panties.  The first couple days went great, because even with all the accidents, she was still enthusiastic about using the potty.  However, her potty joy soon faded and it became a chore. So, we quietly switched back to diapers (or shall I say nappies?) much to everyone’s relief.  This morning, I think Elena was super hungry as she didn’t eat much for dinner last evening since she’s come down with a cold.  Since diaper changing is most times a struggle for this “big girl” who no longer has time for a diaper change, I just whipped off her soggy diaper and went straight to warming up her “choco-wateh yiente (hot chocolate), a morning staple now that “eche con mama” (E’s Spanish for Mama’s milk) is in reserve for Baby Ny.  Elena has just recently weaned and must announce several times daily who “eche con mama” is for.

After a long breakfast, it was a mad dash for the potty.  Just after I had rinsed out her potty from a successful pee-pee and before I could sanitize, she sat right down again which usually means round two is about to come out.  The funny thing about Elena is she doesn’t like to sit above her caca for longer than necessary (who does?), so each time some plops out, I have to empty the potty as she waits, and then she’ll sit back down for the next plop.  Today, it was not one, nor two, but somewhere between 12-15 different plops of all shapes, sizes and textures!  And we had to cheer and empty the potty after each and every single one.  She was sooooooooooo proud and eager to keep plopping them out, no matter how small, each was a victory!  Plus, I got a quad work out from bending down to empty out the pot so many times.

Speaking of things squishy and hard (sorry!), we found a friendly snail on our door frame a week or so ago and Elena just delights in finding caracoles.  They’re everywhere around here and fascinating to a two year-old who greets anything snail-sized (rocks, moss on the wall, etc.) with “Hi caracol!”

Off to make the BEST peanut butter chocolate chip cookies ever!

About Em

These are my stories of expat life in northern England and beyond.
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5 Responses to Caracoles y caca

  1. Ewww! How cute she is! I love reading your stories, Em.

  2. Amanda says:

    Oh Em, how I miss you! As disgusting as that was to read, it was hilarious! Thanks for sharing every bit of your life there…and I mean EVERY bit! ;-)

  3. Stephanie says:

    That this story is now “out there” is absolutely hilarious! Ha! Ha! Maybe a steady diet of prunes would limit your…uh…er…time cheering! Hey– ever thought of cooking those cute little caracoles with white wine and fresh herbs? Mmmmm.

  4. Em says:

    Actually, the thought crossed my mind that I can’t IMAGINE eating those snails, much less cooking them. How about you come over here and show me how it’s done?

  5. Mandy H says:

    oh, emily!! what a joy to see/hear about your life!! yay to miss elena and her potty adventures. you’re doing a great job! just got your email too and will write back hopefully this afternoon. and of course, a HUGE congrats about baby Ny!! yippee!!! love love love and miss you much, Mandy

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